"It’s time to be bold -- CGA is challenging the #damageprevention industry to reduce damages by 50% in the next *5 years.* "
- Despite recent explosions, experts say SF's underground power lines are safe: WATCH
- Mapping & SUE Webinar with Prostar: WATCH
- NoDamage - Clear as MUDDI: READ
- Sketches in the US for locates? READ
- Athens Utilities to begin smoke testing: READ
- ProStar stock up over 55% in less than three months as private placement announced: READ
- Downtown Wheeling Streetscape Project Work Zone Engulfs City: READ
- Understanding Underground Utility Permitting in Urban Environments: READ
- Going underground, large-scale: READ
- Ditch Witch, Heavy Equipment Colleges of America to boost workforce development with new HDD training: READ
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If you’d like to learn more about Competers Inc follow this link to our corporate website or go straight to the Utilocate and UExcavate websites by clicking on the words.
See you next Monday