
"Our goal should be to enhance the reliability and accuracy of mapping records and supporting data for underground utility infrastructure. By focusing on these improvements, we can ensure more precise and dependable documentation of underground utilities."

  1. Around the AEC Industry: Underground Utilities, Layouts, Artificial Intelligence: READ

  2. The Interconnectedness of utility locating: READ

  3. Protecting Coloradans from damage to buried infrastructure: READ

  4. Demystifying 811: WATCH

  5. 3 Cave-ins in less than 2 weeks: READ

  6. Award winning infrastructure repair: READ

  7. Breaking the mould in trenchless: READ

  8. To the women locators: READ

  9. Innovative centralisers elevate industry standards: READ

  10. Underground Utilities Demolition: WATCH

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If you’d like to learn more about Competers Inc follow this link to our corporate website or go straight to the Utilocate and UExcavate websites by clicking on the words.

See you next Monday