We're just back from the ORCGA Damage Prevention Symposium and it was great to connect with fellow professionals in the industry. Ontario has some of the strictest regulations surround locates and excavation in North America, so they're often ahead of the curve within the industry.
One of this years hot topics was the Dedicated Locator model and how they're implementing it - does your state have a Dedicated Locator model?
Here's this weeks TOP 10 stories:
- WATCH: Cable Drop to Home
- Why can't Texas bury electrical lines? READ
- City council approves undergrounding utility amendments, hears RFA annexation update READ
- Underground Utilities and Cybersecurity READ
- Emergency crews respond to underground propane tank fire in Jupiter Farms: READ
- The Global Excavation Safety Conference kicks off next week: LINK
- Sparus Holdings Acquires Allegiant Utility Services and TruCheck, Inc.: READ
- I've been locating for 6 months... :LINK
- New satellite-based grid resilience offer for utilities: READ
- WATCH: My Insider Tips for Moving to a New Utility Locating Company 811 Chicago Utility Locating
Thanks for making it this far! Please subscribe if you haven’t already 🙂
If you’d like to learn more about Competers Inc follow this link to our corporate website or go straight to the Utilocate and UExcavate websites by clicking on the words. Check us out on UtilityScoop.com too
See you next week