Shane Hart wrote an article for dp-PRO which we thought was worth sharing. It talks about some of the different approaches and techniques you can employ to get the most out of current technologies in the locating industry which will in turn drive efficiency and cut down on the amount of time spent locating.
You can read the full article here on pages 16 & 17, or check out out the TL,DR points below:
- Tracking damges with GIS,
- Collecting mapping as you go,
- Automate Dispatch functions
- TMS functions like Ticket Overflow & Positive Response to cut down on office staff,
- Triage tickets,
- Sync with Utility's GIS,
- Locator Tracking
- Automate Routing
With these 8 automations & optimizations you'll speed up your locates... but be sure to check out the full article for greater context: dp-PRO
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