Last Friday, Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird announced a settlement with MidAmerican, Mediacom, and CenturyLink over violations of Iowa’s One Call law. The One Call law, crucial for the safety of both workers and underground utilities, mandates that anyone engaging in digging, excavating, or trenching activities must first contact the Iowa One Call center to locate and avoid damaging underground …
UA / ISSUE 100
Welcome to our 100th issue of Utility Alert and happy Canada Day to all our Canadian followers Here’s the latest damage prevention news: Iowa Utilities Board approves Summit carbon capture pipeline project: READ Crazy stories from utility locators: READ ‘Cable fault’ caused downtown power outage, HECO says: READ Precision Excavation: WATCH Rural Fiber Gets Its Big-Screen Moment With New NCTA …
In this detailed video, viewers are guided through the meticulous process of using a vacuum excavation and pressure washing to expose a buried water line and fiber duct. The host starts by introducing the project and explaining the need for this technique due to an upcoming break. Despite the interruptions, the video thoroughly covers the steps taken so far, including …
Working in the field of locating utilities can be a thankless job, fraught with challenges, and sometimes, sheer absurdities. I was reading through 2 different Reddit threads (1, 2) where locators provided a glimpse into the everyday struggles and occasional joys of the profession and so figured I share a few here. These stories, full of exasperation and humor, also …
We’re headed to Lexington, KY right now for the the KY811 Damage Prevention Summit. These summits are always a mix of fun conversations with old friends and opportunities to connect with new people; but the string that connects them is that every one is passionate about damage prevention. And so here’s the top 10 stories from the last 7 days …
The Challenges of Sewer Line Locating with Plumb Express Utility locating is a crucial task that requires precision and expertise, particularly when it comes to connecting homes to county sewer systems. A recent video featuring Plumb Express provides a compelling look into the intricacies involved in locating a sewer lateral line. Here’s a breakdown of the process, the obstacles faced, …
Accurately identifying the location of utility lines is one of the most crucial aspects of any construction or excavation project. Utility locating involves detecting and marking the position of underground utilities to prevent damage and ensure safety during construction. Several factors influence the accuracy of utility locating, and understanding these elements is essential for successful project outcomes. WEATHER Weather conditions …
The summer months are particularly challenging for utility locating companies, as the peak construction and excavation season increases the risks to underground utilities and the health of workers. Creating a safe and efficient working environment for utility locators requires more than just adhering to standard practices; it demands a strategic approach to planning, communication, and worker safety, particularly in the …
“Our goal should be to enhance the reliability and accuracy of mapping records and supporting data for underground utility infrastructure. By focusing on these improvements, we can ensure more precise and dependable documentation of underground utilities.” Around the AEC Industry: Underground Utilities, Layouts, Artificial Intelligence: READ The Interconnectedness of utility locating: READ Protecting Coloradans from damage to buried infrastructure: READ …
Demystifying the 811 Utility Location System: Insights from Equipment World’s The Dirt Calling and waiting on 811 for underground utility locates can often be frustrating, especially when there are delays or missed lines. In a recent episode of Equipment World’s The Dirt series, viewers are given an in-depth look behind the scenes of the 811 system to better understand its …