Welcome, everyone! Today, I have a special treat for all of you in the damage prevention community. I stumbled upon a fantastic video from 1989 that takes us back in time with its retro charm. Titled “Introduction to Tracing Buried Utilities,” this video covers the basics of cable locating, offering timeless lessons on the importance of careful utility tracing. While …


Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the CGA Summer Committee Summit, which brought together over 180 damage prevention professionals to tackle the top three excavation root causes. These root causes accounted for 28% of damages to buried utilities in 2023.Key action items and discussions from the Summit included updates to six Best Practices in Chapter 3, which were …

UA / ISSUE 104

It’s the end of July already and we feel like we’re only getting started with the dig season! This weeks Utility Alert has everything from new equipment launches to gas damages to congress pressuring the DOT. Intriguingly though there are two stories on overtime… locators work long hours and deserve to get paid fairly – but what classifies as fair? …


In a recent news clip from Pflugerville, a gas leak prompted evacuations in the area. The leak was reported on Kenemer Street near Kelly Lane, affecting residents from Mallard Pond Trail to Hanging Rock Drive. Atmos Energy was on-site to repair the issue, though details about the cause and the completion of repairs remain unclear. Despite initial road closures and …

UA / ISSUE 103

We’re in Nashville this week for the Common Ground Alliance Summer Committee meetings. It should be a good week connecting with other stakeholders. Here’s the latest damage prevention news: Sound Construction Inc. Faces $394,083 in Fines for Fatal Trench Collapse: READ The Economics of SUE: READ County Commissioners to survey right-of-way, ask farmer to move fence back: READ GOPHURRS $34M …


In the rural California community of Cool, residents like Stephanie Bus are frustrated with PG&E due to repeated power shutoffs, intended to prevent wildfires. Despite PG&E’s promise to bury power lines to improve safety, much of the work remains incomplete, with new poles and overhead lines still in place. Stephanie has experienced multiple power outages since May and feels the …

UA / ISSUE 102

Welcome to this week’s edition of Utility Alert, packed with the latest developments and insights in the world of underground infrastructure and damage prevention! Wellington launches platform to map underground infrastructure: READ Buffeting – Why damage prevention leaders should publish their own reports: READ Duquesne Light Company Crowdsources Underground Monitoring: READ Learn about FuzionView: WATCH Maui faces uncertainty over the …


Enhancing Underground Utility Mapping: The Journey of FuzionView In 2017, Gopher State One Call (GSOC) reached out to the Emergency Preparedness Committee (EPC) of the Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council to explore ways to enhance the use of geospatial technology in the underground utility sector. This initiative sparked a series of discussions that led to the formation of the Underground Utilities …

UA / ISSUE 101

Hope you guys are fully rested and recovered after the holiday weekend! Here’s the latest damage prevention news to help bring you back up to speed: Underground water and sewer pipes are aging out: READ Are penalties enough for locate offenders? READ The Future of Underground Utility Mapping: READ 4 things the US is doing right! READ Predictive AI Is …


This happened just a few miles from Daryl’s house in Ireland! Pretty scary. The incident occurred during some roadworks when a gas main was struck. Here’s an extra shot for context: RECENT POSTSFeb. 14, 2025VHS | 20 WAYS AI CAN IMPROVE PROCESSES FOR SMALL WATER UTILITIESFeb. 13, 2025HOW STANDARDIZED DELIVERABLES FUEL ROIFeb. 10, 2025UA / ISSUE 130Feb. 06, 2025MINIMIZING HUMAN …